This is information taken from the Ineos Grenadier Pocket Guide, and will be of use to those planning electrical accessories for their Grenadier.

The Grenadier comes with an Auxiliary Switch Panel and some electrical preparation as standard. This includes a power switch that leaves the 12v/USB power on whne the vehicle is switched off (essential for camping!) and 3 switches for 10A wiring running to the bonnet / engine bay, footwell, and fuse box.

The High Load Auxiliary Switch Panel and preparation is optional – although is included if you also option the winch. This includes:

  • 25A switch for a front LED bar. Outlet on the roof
  • 25A for side and rear LED bars. 3 outlets on the roof
  • 500A for the winch
  • 25A with wiring to bonnet / engine bay and fuse box.

Finding the pre-wired outlets

The roof outlets are easy. Footwells and under bonnet not so much! See Extra charging sockets for info on the footwell wiring. The under bonnet wire is taped to the wiring loom on the right had side, just in front / under the clear reservoir. The plastic insulators are just visible in the second photo:

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